Sunday, September 14, 2008

I can't sleep because I'm excited and I'm excited because I haven't slept

OK, hi, hello.  I will be documenting my adventure on this blog.  

Les Rêveries d'une Flâneuse.  "The Daydreams of a..." well, actually, pause.  Pause.  I'm actually unsure how one properly translates une flâneuse.  

Flâneur/euse n.
Flâner v. 

Simply put, it means "to wander." 
"A wanderer," I suppose.  But it encompasses so much more than that.  It's more of a flamboyant, aimless wandering, associated with the likes of Baudelaire, who would walk down the cobble stoned streets of Paris with his head searching the scenery and a feather quill in his right (or left) hand, poised and ready for when inspiration hit.  

Salut, ciao, à bientôt, au revoir, bisous, bisous, bisous, bisous.  Mon dieu, I'm so excited.  


dentist said...

why haven't you written anymore?? I love to read more....please start writing again..

dentist said...

My dearest Flaneuse: please tell me how you liked Versaille...I absolutely loved it there, I mean everything about it was magnificent...especially the gardens..AAAH, how nice it is for you to be there!!! Please continue your blogs, they are lovely!!