1. my floors never seemed to get clean. no matter what i do. i've vacuumed, swept, mopped (several times) but for some reason they wont get clean. i made a sign at the entryway to my apartment asking people to PLEASE take off their shoes (in several languages so that it's very clear). But what's the point if the floors are already dirty.
2. i cant find Swiffer towelettes to clean my floors.
3. My other neighbor, her name is Mims (yeah, I dont know) is kind of obnoxious. She has this little floofy dog that she keeps LOCKED in her room all day long. Only today, she decided to keep the dog outside and the poor thing is crying and barking, only I dont want to invite her in because she'll just make my floors dirtier.
4. Mims also likes to listen to loud and strange music (think: "Everytime We Touch" and then imagine other songs like that...). I wonder if she cleans her floors.

MIMS! this is why this is why this is why i'm ..
this is why i'm HOT!
you know, i just realized something. maybe when i said, 'ask my sister' i didn't mean ask her to be your friend, but instead, ask her if its okay for us to be friends. see you were always so critical of my friends so i felt that i needed your approval which is why i said that.
i feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. i wasn't a mean 5 year old, i was just overly dependent on my sister!!!
i think mims reminded me of that girl. i dont know why. be her friend, your sister says yes.
Salma Saeedi. Do NOT put the blame on me. You said "ask my sister" because you didnt want to be her friend because you were having too much fun on the slide.
This is not my fault. It's not my fault that you still have nightmares about it. It's not your fault either, because WHO CARES???
Welcome to a collage dorm. trust me there will be a lot of mims that you will encounter and you will just have to deal with it because at the end of the day there's really nothing you can do about it. But don't worry cause your in pairs. Good luck and remember
"There will be a time when loud-mouthed, incompetent people seem to be getting the best of you. When that happens, you only have to be patient and wait for them to self destruct. It never fails".
Richard Rybolt
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