Thursday, December 11, 2008

window shopper

I am a window shopper of the sweet sort.  My time is spent standing outside of the bakeries around Paris watching (yes, not just looking at, but watching) the tarts, the cakes, the macaroons, the flans, the napoleons, the eclairs....
People go in.  Come out.  Go in.  Come out.  They take out the pastries from the bag and take huge bites.  My mouth waters as I watch the the crumbs fall on their shirts, or the cream stick to their faces.  I imagine what it tastes like.  

I have the perfect comparison.  Who's seen "Hook?"  You know the part in the movie when they PRETEND to have a feast with the play-do looking food?  That's what I'm reminded of as I watch the bakeries.  I pretend to eat.  I pretend that I'm tasting the tarte aux framboises (too sugary), the pain au chocolats (not enough chocolate), the flan (just right).  Mmmmmmmmmmm.  

BUT, I will not give in to the pleasures baked goods have to offer.  

Ranna: Hey look at this bakery.  Mm, that looks good.
Whoever is with me: Yeah, woah, that one looks good too.
Ranna: I wonder what that tastes like.  Do you want something?  (silently hoping they say yes)
WIWM: No, not really.  Do you?

Good thing I have an active imagination. Or else, I think I would be dead by now.  

Shab bekheyr.  Did you like the two blogs in one day?  niiicce.  


Coding diaries said...

I knew you wanted something!!!!

yasna: that sandwich looks good
whoevers with me: yeah im gonna get it, you want one?
yasna: no, im good. (pops out a cigarette)
whoevers with me: are you smoking again??
yasna: of course, im starving...

oh whoevers with me, you're too funny!

Unknown said...

loved the two blogs in one day...and I TOTES KNOW THE PART IN HOOK. OH MY GOD, BOY DO I KNOW IT.

Sima L said... scene in Hook.

When I saw it as a kid, I started putting food dye in all my food. I drank blue milk for weeks. I had pink mashed potatoes. Then my fam made me stop cause they thought everything looked gross.

Hey this is the first comment I'm making on your blog! As Rosa would say, holla!