Friday, March 20, 2009

the one where ranna acts melancholy

i dont know why this is so hard.  the saying goodbye process.  its beginning.  once one person leaves, the others slowly follow suit.  we all knew it was going to arrive eventually.  just not this fast.  and no one expected for it to be this hard.  no one was supposed to get attached.  its a rule, i think.  it should be a rule.  there should be rules about these sorts of things.  rules so that we can live and love and let go.  and then do it all over again.  but as one person leaves, we lose a little bit of ourselves.  the dynamic is not the same.  there is an empty space where there was once an amazing being.  a silence where there was a laugh.  a void where there was once a friend.  we are here for a short time.  every second of every day counts.  and when every second of every day counts, we dont live half-assedly (made up word of the day).  we live with our all.  we put every strength that we have into all of our encounters, all of our experiences.  so no wonder when we are happy, we are the happiest people in the world.  and when we're sad, nothing can pacify our gloom.  no wonder. 
but, its a new day.  for goodness sake, its a new year (norooz mobarak)!  we take the bad just as much as we take the good and we learn and we grow.  


Zahra said...

Awww, Ranna. Don't be sad. I know how you feel, but there's another way to look at now have friends all over the world. That's pretty damn cool. And, it should be good incentive to travel often to see them.

Love you. Eid-e to mobarak. I hope you have a beautiful year.

Maryam said...

Ran, How come I didn't get a poem when Mers and I left? Maybe because I didn't fit into the jacket, or maybe I just liked "Paul". Love you. AMj

Unknown said...

sale no mobarak