Guess who's back, back again?! Ranna. So everyone report to the dance floor, dance floor, dance floor, dance floor.
I've been pretty down on the ground lately. I got sick. Really sick, actually. The flu/sinus infection/feeling sorry for myself-itis. I was alone, I went crazy.
When I went back to school I couldn't quite get my energy level to the point where it had been before my mishaps. I tried. I really did. Every day I woke up and said, "Ranna, pull yourself together. You are in PARIS. Be happy! Be excited!" I took Eckhart Tolle around with me every day, hoping that his words would help me get better.
But, ehhhhhh, the weather was gloomy, it hurt me to swallow, and my hair was (excuse me, still is) RIDICULOUS looking.
There was a cloud over my head (literally) and I just wanted it to go away.
And I am happy to say, ladies and gentlemen, that today it did.
I don't know whether it was the blue sky, that we didn't have a verb conjugation test like we had planned, or the fact that I had the absolute BEST sandwich of my life while walking through the Jardin de Luxembourg, but all of a sudden I felt really good.
I think I needed a chance to chill out, take in my beautiful surroundings, and remind myself of where I was, and what I was doing.
I feel really good right now. Actually, I feel great.
But, it's less about my stroll through the gardens, and more about my experience with...dum dum dum....the BUS.
What is Ranna rambling on about, you ask? WELLLLLLL, let me tell you.
Since I've been here, I've pretty much avoided taking the city bus during the day. I stick more to the metro, or I walk. I blame my fear of transportation via bus to a terrible calamity that took place on my very first visit to Paris wherein my mother (as smart as she is) managed to get our family lost in Montmartre very late at night. The very same night, in fact, when the homeless man with a missing eye decided to hop on the bus for a late night ride, and chose the seat right next to mine.
I was affected for life.
OK. I exaggerate. But seriously, I avoided the bus. The map was way to hard to understand.
But today, I was like, you know what? I don't have anything else to do. Let's do this janxx. And so I did. Granted, it took me 3 hours to get home, because I kept hopping off one bus, and getting on another...I don't know why I decided to take the longest route known to mankind. But I did.
I was pretty proud when the bus stopped right in front of Maison Blanche. Hard work pays off... c'mon, it was difficult.
But I really can't wait to take the bus tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day.
It's fun, you know? It's exactly like the metro, only I get to see the city while I'm at it. I mean, wow! It BLEW my mind that Boulevard Raspail hit Rue de Renne hit Saint Germain-de-Pres. Did everyone know that? You know what this means? It means, that I can walk from my school, to Boulevard Raspail, then down Rue de Renne and get to Saint Germain-de Pres.
Although, it would be a lot easier just to take Boul Mich' instead....nevermind.
OK, now I really am rambling. I just... I was typing as I was thinking... because... haha, this afternoon, I thought I was so coy for coming up with the route from Raspail to Saint Germain...without thinking that Sorbonne is like 5 minutes away from it.
So anyway, yes. I am here. I am in Paris. Thursday is thanksgiving, thats cool. Dad is visiting on Friday, hella excited.
Oh but on Thursday, Marion and I are hitting up one of those American bistro's thats serving some good ole fashioned turkey day grub. So, I have that to look forward to.
Dedicated to: Aziz Joon. I love you a lot. Say hi to Daddy.
ALLLEZZZZZZ RANNA! je suis heureuse et vous êtes heureuse :) oui oui oui
Randy, let me tell you something. everyday when I come home from school I go to my bookmarks and click on your blog. Every time i see you have updated I get so excited and every little cell in my body smiles. I read it and I just get so happy cause I love hearing your voice (even if it is through writing)
HAHAHAH the guy with one eye.
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